The kick-off meeting of project ‘Eco gardens in our kindergartens’ ECO-KIDS was held on the 16th of November 2018 in Ludbreg, Croatia. The project starts officially in November 2018 and has duration of 24 months. Its main objective is to increase environmental knowledge and skills among the youngest citizens in our communities – kids in kindergartens, as well as competences and skills of their teachers. Partnership include different types of organizations: Local government of Ludbreg (Croatia), public utility Vodovod (North Macedonia), three kindergartens Radost (Croatia), Pavlina Veljanova (North Macedonia) and Radost (Bulgaria), and three NGOs one from each participating country. The Bulgarian kindergarten was represented by Mrs. Ilka Encheva, director, and Mrs. Ekaterina Krastinova, senior teacher.
More about the project:
The children in kindergartens are ideal target group to be presented a way how we can reduce our carbon footprint on the Earth and help our fragile environment. The project teaches young children about the ecological challenges facing the world today and shows them how, through a recycling and waste management project, they can help address these challenges by composting food waste that will be used to grow fruit, vegetables and flowers in their schools’ gardens.
Implementation of the project activities will lead to establishing of the strategic partnership between different type of organizations (local public bodies, kindergartens and civil sector) gathered together to give their contribution for enhancing the quality of early childhood education. Following the new trends of pre-school education and good practices, and also the available technologies, it appears that the best approach is “learning by doing” when they can “do it” by themselves.
The main impact, aim of the project, is to promote new learning approaches and networking as a great opportunity for more efficient pre-school education. Cooperation among teachers and among other authorities and responsible persons for education, with potential implementation of good practices in pre-school education, by realization of planned activities in developed document for strategic partnership, is desired long-term impact from the project.
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