The kick-off meeting of project ‘Eco gardens in our kindergartens’, acronym: ECO-KIDS was held on the 16th of November 2018 in Ludbreg, Croatia. The responsible partner for organization of the mmeting was Town Ludbreg as applicant organization. The project starts officially in November 2018 and has duration of 24 months.
The goals of first project partner meeting (PP meeting) were:
- establishing of three Transnational teams on project level;
- presentation of administrative and financial rules of ERASMUS + program
- determination of individual responsibilities and tasks for each project partner;
- determination of detailed dynamic plan;
- establishing of rules for communication and dissemination
- determination of reporting procedures for realized activities.
Participants: All local members of PPs teams from Croatia and Team leaders and members of Transnational Project Teams from each PP from Macedonia and Bulgaria.