Intellectual outputs

O1: Handbook for preschool teachers „How to address issues of solid waste reusing and composting with practical approach“

The Handbook will be a pedagogical instruction/education materials for internal use of pre-school’s teachers.

It will be consisted of Four Chapters:

First Chapter

  • general overview of challenges that humanity is facing with enormous production of solid waste as well as necessity and potential for or reusing of organic waste  with composting (text will be accommodated in accordance with children’s age in kindergartens).
  • methods for research on environmental awareness of children before implementation of the project and after implementation;
  • will be prepared by experts /trainers/ from NGO CSEG Bulgaria.

Second Chapter

  • complete guidelines for pre-school teachers how to implement topic of selection and composting of organic waste in provided bins for composting, including basic information on eco-gardens, sustainable production, consumption, recycling and composting; development of teaching units and correlation approach to the topic
  • will be prepared by experts /trainers/ from KJP Vodovod – Macedonia

Third Chapter

  • guidelines for pre-school teachers how to implement practically produced compost in production of fruits vegetables and flowers in newly constructed eco-gardens (in the frame of the project)
  • will be prepared by expert / trainer/ from KJP Vodovod – Macedonia

Fourth chapter

  • guidelines for pre-school teachers how to implement using of OER (web 2.0 tools) in their teaching of kids, how to establish teachers networking by using of eTwinning networking and opportunities of eTwinning projects for transnational cooperation with colleagues from other EU countries
  • will be prepared by expert / trainer/ from NGO LAG, Macedonia

O2: Document for establishing of long-term strategic transnational partnership among different socio-economic partner sin increasing of quality of pre-school education process in municipalities of Ludbreg, Pazardzik and Kochani

Document will be a basis for establishing of transnational cooperation among large scope of socio-economic types of organizations like local public bodies (municipalities, public utilities,  public educational institutes), local and regional NGOs, and education institution in the field of pre-school education for the regions on municipalities of Ludbreg-Croatia, Pazardzik-Bulgaria, and Kochani-Macedonia.

The main aim:

  • establish long-term strategic transnational partnership which in the future will implement developed Action plan of activities from the Document that will lead to realization of many small, medium or large-scale projects, mainly focused to generate substantial positive benefits for pre-school education institutions, teachers and children that will attend education program in kindergartens

Document will be consisted of three Chapters:

First Chapter

  • analysis of present situation in pre-school education area, in three municipalities Ludbreg, Pazardzik, and Kochani, that will include open and critical research of notified weaknesses in organization of pre-school education processes (from the aspect of potential for its improvement)

Second chapter

  • analyses of potential for cooperation among different socio-economic organizations
  • address the most urgent topics and topic of largest interest, also accompanied with possible approaches to necessary financial means for their realization

The Third chapter

  • developed long-term Action plan with foreseen activities that will lead to achievement of expected impact, with concrete measures that have to be undertaken before actual activities starts, as well as planned involvement of project partners with their responsibilities
  • Action plan will also consist estimated costs and a time frame for realization of each action as a necessary indicator for following progress and impact of its realization

There will be four phases in process of development of the Document for strategic transnational partnership:

Phase 1:

  • Research of present situation in pre-school education sectors in Ludbreg, Pazardzik, and Kochani; Determination of strong and weak sides.

Phase 2:

  • Analysis of possible areas for improvement with implementation of transnational cooperation among different socio-economical organizations;

Phase 3:

  • Joint conclusion of determined realistic Actions (measures) and their prioritizing;

Phase 4:

  • Development of Action plan for feasible activities accompanied with estimated financial  means necessary for their completion as well as proposed dynamic time schedule.